The outbreak of the unknowable Corona disease has caused everyone to be cautious about their health and the health of their loved ones. It seems that neither profit nor loss but health is the mantra of the year 2020. You should not take any risk thereby harming your health this year. This is where medical astrology comes to your rescue! Medical astrology is that branch of astrology which deals with long life and health of the individual.

During this period of uncertainty and dullness, you would certainly be curious to know how your health will continue to be in the remaining part of the year.  Do take the help of medical astrology predictions to overcome your fears and doubts. And in case, you are suffering from some chronic disease do make a note of medical astrology remedies available to diminish the negative impact on your health.

Let me tell you this amazing fact that every part of our body is linked with a specific zodiac sign. In simple words, each zodiac sign has its distinct quality and plays a vital role in your body. So, you can now identify the body part which is most likely to cause trouble to you as per your zodiac sign.

Let me briefly tell you the body part affected by the twelve zodiac signs.

  • Aries– Brain, Head, Face 
  • Taurus– Throat, Lips, Neck 
  • Gemini- Lungs, Arms, Hands 
  • Cancer– Stomach, Breasts, Ribs, Chest 
  • Leo– Heart, Sack, Spine, forearms. 
  • Virgo– Intestines, Lower spine, Fingers, spleen 
  • Libra– Kidneys, skin, Lumbar region 
  • Scorpio– Bladder, Anus, Nose, Appendix 
  • Sagittarius– Hips, Arteries, Thighs, Nerves 
  • Capricorn– Skin, Knees, Joints, teeth 
  • Aquarius– Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood 
  • Pisces– Feet, Toes, Lymphatic system 

Moreover, medical astrology predictions also help in finding out about the exact diseases afflicting you. It is the sixth house in the kundli which denotes disease. The eighth house stands for long life, surgery, suicide or death. The twelfth house denotes hospitalization, sickness, imprisonment, expenses and so forth. Also, the position of Sun should be strong in the kundli as it imparts energy and strength to you. Moon, symbolizing clear thinking and mind should also not be in a malefic position in the kundli. Besides, the lord of the ascendant should also be in a strong position to signify good health. Hence, the combination of these factors together helps to calculate the exact diseases which will afflict you in your lifetime.

In other words, by taking assistance of medical astrology predictions, you can get to know the kind of diseases which you might be afflicted with or you might suffer in the future. Medical astrology predictions do not intend to frighten you but to make you aware about the weak points of your body.
Not only this, medical astrology remedies are available which can assist you in dealing with that particular turbulent phase of your life when you are sick or unwell. Say, for instance, if your Sun is in a weak position in your kundli, then to strengthen it you can recite its beej mantra for a period of forty days. After you do this activity, you are bound to feel strong and positive from inside. Likewise, a weak Jupiter in your kundli can be strengthened by taking care of plants, animals and obeying your parents and teachers.

Now do not feel hesitant to know about your health. Just contact our astrologers on and they will guide you in this period of uncertainty and fear by suggesting medical astrology remedies to your health complications and issues. Medical astrology remedies do help to nullify the harmful impact of diseases on your body but you must also not forget to consult a physician for this matter.


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