
Showing posts from June, 2020

Relationship with family and its Astrology Connection

Father and Mother has very important role for their children. From the birth chart of the person we can know about the welfare, relationship, and happiness of the Father, mother and Children. In Vedic astrology every planet represents relationship with our family member. Let us now discuss the some different planetary positions aspect in Vedic astrology , which can affect your relationship with your parent(s): Your Personality The First House (Ascendant) in your Horoscope/birth chart governs your image and personality. It tells everything about you. Relationship with Mother Moon in the horoscope : Mother is the first friend, teacher and the guide of a child. The Relationship between mother and child is very precious and associated with unconditional Love, affection, feelings, care and trust. In Astrology Moon represents our Mother in relationship. Moon plays a very important role in our horoscope/birth chart. Moon also represents our emotions, memory, feelings etc.. M...

Business Astrology - Come Consult and Succeed

Everyone dream to become a successful businessman. And for any success stepping stone plays a vital role. For any business, the beginning is the most important factor deciding its success or failure. Most of us have noticed even after putting hard work, we are deprived of success. Even after giving 100% why many of us are not able to succeed in our business? Business Astrology is the answer. So all those who want to start a new business or want to solve problems in an established business, business astrology prediction is the key.  All about Business Astrology Onegodmed always believes every person has born with great talent. Vedic Astrology is one of the best ways to uncover such talents. Any auspicious event in an individual’s life if blessed with Vedic Astrology tends to turn into success and prosperity. Let it be marriage, interview, education or baptism then why not Business? Like other important occasions, the auspicious date can turn Business fortune too. The bus...


The outbreak of the unknowable Corona disease has caused everyone to be cautious about their health and the health of their loved ones. It seems that neither profit nor loss but health is the mantra of the year 2020. You should not take any risk thereby harming your health this year. This is where medical astrology comes to your rescue! Medical astrology is that branch of astrology which deals with long life and health of the individual. During this period of uncertainty and dullness, you would certainly be curious to know how your health will continue to be in the remaining part of the year.  Do take the help of medical astrology predictions to overcome your fears and doubts. And in case, you are suffering from some chronic disease do make a note of medical astrology remedies available to diminish the negative impact on your health. Let me tell you this amazing fact that every part of our body is linked with a specific zodiac sign. In simple words, each zodiac sign has its...

Role Of Horoscope In Life

Horoscope reveals your past, present and future life. As per Vedic Astrology a horoscope provides you complete predictions of your life which is prepared by our expert astrologers. We also provide daily (today), weekly, monthly and yearly Horoscope details through predictions by our expert astrologers at . Horoscope is mostly useful for future predictions of native. Every person wants to know about their life and due to this everyone is excited to know about their horoscope which helps them to have a clear picture of their future. Horoscope reflects that how it affects your life, career, finance, business, love life, married life, education, job, health etc. these are four different types of horoscope predictions which is generally provided at Onegodmed : Daily Horoscope Predictions : daily horoscope give you predictions on day-to-day events basis. It explains how stars, planets and constellations affect the life a person on daily basis. Weekly Horoscope Predictions ...


Man is a curious soul! Yes, we all are indeed, curious to know about our past, present and future. Astrology is a science which through the placement of planets in your kundali helps to reveal the past, present and future happenings of your life. The thoughts which come up in your mind are due to the vibrations of the planets revolving in the Universe. Also, if you are presently going through a dasha of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house, then you are likely to be facing troubles in your life. All this clubbed together, can bring unpleasant thoughts in your mind. Here, astrology can help you get rid of these negative feelings and ambience surrounding you. Moreover, if you are suffering from some health ailments, debts, loss or marriage trouble, child issue, loss of job, loss of property, foreign visit or foreign education—all these issues can be easily addressed through your kundli prediction . In other words, your kundli with the graphical presentation of the twelve house...

Career Prediction - Love what you do!

Career and Relationship are the two most crucial decision in your life. If you go wrong in any of these, your life is in dilemma. Today in this blog, we are going to talk on Career Prediction . As per the study, even career choices work with the 80-20 principle . 80% of individuals end up choosing the wrong career path. We all know, it is not an easy task to choose the right career at the age of 21. But it's high time and you all need to understand this one decision impacts your whole life. What you choose today, you will become tomorrow. We are living in challenging times and earning for a living is no piece of cake anymore. Choosing the right career path was never so important, until now. Are you worried about selecting the right career? You want to go to business or a job? Which field would utilize your best potential? Which could be your area of interest? Career Astrology has the answer to all your career-related questions. Career prediction by date of birth in In...

Marriage Prediction by Date of Birth

Are you worried about your marriage? When is the auspicious time to get married? Is it going to be love marriage or arranged marriage? What age will I get married? You must have all of these questions in your mind at one point of time in your life. At Onegodmed, we provide you with the easiest way to get a marriage prediction by date of birth . You can find answers to your questions related to marriage predictions with the help of Marriage Calculator online. We have utilized the best technology to give a perfect and accurate free marriage prediction online report by date of birth. We hope that you will like this marriage prediction by date of birth. To generate report of your marriage prediction by date of birth, enter the birth details in the form given below and then submit: Marriage prediction calculator Marriage is one of the most beautiful events for everyone. Every person wants a perfect life partner with whom he/she can create ...

किन दो राशियों की जोड़ी होती है अटूट और एक दम परफेक्ट

आप राशि के अनुसार अपने पार्टनर के साथ कम्पेटिबिलिटी के बारे में जान सकते हैं। हर राशि का खास स्वभाव होता है, इसलिए साथ में रहने के लिए राशि का मैच उनके स्वभाव के हिसाब से किया जाना जरूरी है। विवाह किसी के भी जिंदगी का सबसे बड़ा फैसला होता है और  आपने अपने बड़े बुजुर्गों से ये कहते हुए तो सुना ही होगा की जोड़ियाँ ऊपर वाला बनाता है। जिसने भी इस धरती पर जन्म लिया है उसके लिए ऊपर वाले ने किसी ना किसी को जरुर बनाया है। विवाह शब्द सुनते ही दिलो–दिमाग़ में कई तरह के सपने और समस्याएं उभरने लगती हैं। ज्योतिष शास्त्र का मानना है कि यदि दो सही राशियों का मिलन हो जाए, तो वे सही जोड़ी कहलाती हैं और उन्हें कोई भी अलग नहीं कर पाता। ऐसी जोड़ी में प्रेम और आपसी समझ होता है। वहीं यदि ऐसे राशि को मिला दिया जाए जो किसी भी रूप में एक-दूसरे के लिए नहीं बने हैं, तो ऐसा रिश्ता आज नहीं तो कल टूट ही जाता है या फिर जिंदगी भर के लिए परेशानी में कटता है।  आइए, जानें किस राशि की जोड़ी किस राशि के साथ साबित होती है एक दम परफेक्ट और सबसे पावरफुल: मेष और मीन  मेष राशिवाले स्त्री/पुरुषों का स्...

साल का दूसरा चंद्र ग्रहण 5 जून 2020: जानते हैं क्या होगा आपकी राशि पर असर

साल का दूसरा चंद्र ग्रहण 5 जून, 2020 को लगेगा। भारतीय समयानुसार यह ग्रहण रात 11 बजकर 15 मिनट से शुरू होगा जो अगली तारीख 6 जून, 2020 की रात 2 बजकर 34 मिनट तक रहेगा। 12 बजकर 54 मिनट पर पूर्ण चंद्रग्रहण होगा। यह उपच्छाया ग्रहण होगा जो भारत में दिखाई देगा और इस चंद्र ग्रहण का सूतक मान्य नहीं होगा। इस समय 6 ग्रह वक्री चल रहे हैं. राहु- केतु के अलावा इस समय शनि, बृहस्पति, शुक्र और प्लूटो ये चारों ग्रह भी वक्री चल रहे हैं। ये चंद्र ग्रहण वृश्चिक राशि पर पड़ने वाला है। ग्रहण के बुरे प्रभाव से सभी को संभलकर रहना होगा। जानते हैं कि इस चंद्र ग्रहण का सभी राशियों पर असर : मेष - परिवार के सदस्यों की सेहत पर ध्यान दें। मन में कई तरह के तनाव आ सकते हैं। आपके घर में अशांति का वातावरण देखने को मिल सकता है। आपको मानसिक तनाव भी रह सकता है। परिजनों के बीच विवाद हो सकता है। ऐसी स्थिति में किसी भी तरह के विवाद से खुद को अलग रखें। मकान और घर को लेकर समस्याएं आ सकती हैं और निर्णय लेने में कुछ कठिनाई आ सकती है। इस दौरान आपको खुद को संभाल कर रखना है। वृषभ - इस ग्रहण का प्रभाव आपके रिश्तों पर, आप...