God Signals Against Covid-19

Karma is a boomerang, what you sow, you reap. Humans of the 21st century are exploring the universe to discover new places to live and at the same time blemishing the one here on earth. We are living in insecure times. Everything we eat, drink, or even breathe is adulterated. Medical science is developing every day while humans are degrading their life daily to a new low. We have forgotten our boundaries and started thinking that humans are the only race on this planet. Biodiversity has taken the biggest hit in the name of development. We have started eating anything that moves. Food is a matter of choice and onegodmed.com believes in the same. However, if it can result in pandemics like MERS, SARS, Covid-19, humans need to stop now or get ready to extinct just like another race. Old Is Gold Let’s recall the ideologies our ancestors have taught us and left us with. As per Sanatan or Hindu Dharma, we have always been taught to complete our duties and self restrict for the benefit of self and others. Today the entire world is going Hindu way. Let it be Yoga or Vegetarian food choices or a simple Namaste to greet with, Hinduism has proved out to be a way to live and just not a religion or dharma to follow. Covid-19 prediction can be completed through astrology. What world is doing today, Hinduism is doing from eternity
  • Yoga and Meditation are the best way to build strong immunity and mental health.
  • Hinduism is practicing Havans, the best way to keep the environment germs free.
  • As per Hinduism, eating choices are the reflection of your thoughts. Simple and easy to digest light vegetarian food keeps you away from diseases.
  • Today, entire world is praying and washing hands before eating their meals, something which Hinduism is doing from always.
  • Hinduism not only guides to feed the less fortunate humans but animals too which persuade the feeling of oneness.
  • Guest or a family member before entering the house used to wash hands and feet with the tap water located outside every house.
  • Burning dead bodies is both scientific and mythological. The practice which the world is shifted to.
  • Life lessons one can learn from Hinduism and can take a leap to live a healthy, happy, and positive life. The best way to live in peace and consonance

God Signal Astrology prediction for the current pandemic phase is nothing less than the Samundar Manthan which has set up a new order in Hindu Mythology. Humans need to reassess their consideration. Even after behaving so ruthlessly with Mother Nature in the name of growth, nature started healing itself during the lockdown for the betterment of human beings. This is not the first time God has sent the signal to live in harmony. Hinduism has always taught us to live and let live. God is asking all of us to take care of others all the living beings and nature earth and in return, they will take care of us. Let us all live together and make the earth a better place to live for all living beings.


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